REVEL scenario
During October 19, 20 and 21, Murcia will become a meeting for networking, reflection and analysis of the national music industry, within popular music, thanks to Big Up! Region of Murcia, which will be held at the Párraga Center.
The REVEL Stage (exterior Artillery Barracks temple) is the free stage that will bring together Sistema Nervoso, Julia Cry, Adiós Noviembre, Karlan, Perdón, Dr. Sapo and Sissy live.
The entrance Big Up! Live&Market, will give access to the concerts at the Estrella de Levante Stage and the Market on Thursday and Friday, and will have a price of €10. It will feature performances by Hoonine, Suu, Casino Montreal, Repion, Cora Yaco and Morreo.
The entrance Big Up! Congress&Meeting, with access to all the talks, presentations, panels, meet&greet, and special podcasts as well as the Estrella de Levante and Market concerts, will be €20 with a very very reduced capacity with the aim of promoting professional meetings.
On Saturday, access to the concerts and market will be free with the concert of Marss, Cutre, groups Big Up! Streets of Murcia and the Samurai concert at night.
Specialized press accreditations can be requested starting Thursday, October 5 at